Be taught To Set up Underfloor Heating

Underfloor heating is becoming increasingly popular. In Scandinavia, around 80 per cent of homes are warmed using this type of heating system, and coverage within the UK can also be rising quickly.

Because of this more electricians will be tasked with putting in electric underfloor heating. While this could also be daunting if it is something you’ve gotten never completed earlier than, the set up process is pretty straightforward.

The following pointers will assist you to install the heating system

Check the sub-floor

Earlier than installing any kind of underfloor heating system, you must check the type of sub-floor the system is to lie on top of.

If there’s a concrete sub-floor, you will need to put insulation board in place, earlier than you lay the heating system.

Without the insulation board, the cold concrete will be heated first, which can dramatically affect the output of the system.

If there’s a timber sub-floor, there will not be the identical form of have an effect on, but you could need to put tile backer board in place, before laying the heating system.

Ensuring the sub-floor is insulated will assist your underfloor heating system work at most efficiency.

Select the system

There are various types of underfloor heating available, and the one that is best for you will rely on many factors. These include the sub-floor, the floor covering and easily personal preference.

Chances are you’ll want to set up an in-screed cable. This is typically installed in new-build homes or extensions, as it housed within the screed – an integral part of the floor.

In fact, this option is just not practical if you are putting in the heating system under an current floor.

In this case, it’s possible you’ll need to use a heating mat or a flexible element.

A heating mat is the best selection when you’ve got tile, stone of slate flooring. It heats up very quickly and the heat transference to these materials is high.

When you have laminate or timber flooring, you may need to consider a versatile heating element. This is very thin and may be laid directly under the flooring, without raising the floor.

Set up

While laying the underfloor heating system is fairly simple and might be accomplished by anyone with some DIY experience, the ultimate connection should be carried out by a qualified electrician.

They will even be able to approve the set up and, if required, test the system.


As soon as put in, electric underfloor heating needs very little maintenance. There are no moving parts to corrode – so you must count on a lifespan of between 15 and 30 years.

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